Saturday, February 29, 2020

Kidney Problems in females

On International womens day 

Kidney problems are common in females. In addition to the usual kidney problems that can affect males, females face some problems unique to them.

Urinary Infections 
Anatomically females are placed in a disadvantage because of short length of urethra. Infections are very common in married women. The best way to prevent infections is to void urine immediately after sexual contact. Plenty of fluid intake also help in preventing urine infections.

Female hormones have protective effect against infections , these make vaginal secretions acidic which do not allow infections to persist. After menopause, protective effects of these hormones are lost and so infections are more common post-menopause.  

Effect of contraceptive Pills  
Long term use of contraceptive pills tend to increase blood pressure and also tend to increase risk of blood clotting. If neglected these may turn serious.

Females tend to take pain killer drugs on and off for body aches which damage kidneys over a period of time and cause CKD which is irreversible. This is potentially avoidable cause of kidney failure. Smoking, use of pills and drug abuse are on the rise  among urban college going girls which puts them to the risk of high blood pressure and kidney disease. 

 Pregnancy related urinary problems

Urine infections in pregnancy affect growth of fetus and increase chance of spontaneous abortions. So these should be treated early and effectively.

Few decades back, unwanted pregnancies were terminated  by quacks which used to cause sepsis and complications like kidney failure. With legalization of abortions, septic abortion are less common in India though stray incidences do happen.

Association of leakage of protein in urine and high blood pressure is labeled as Pre-eclampsia. If it is associated with fits (seizures) its called as eclampsia. 
HELLP syndrome is exclusively seen in pregnancy, this is characterized by jaundice, anemia and low platelet count. These are very serious disorders and need hospitalization and close supervision as these may damage kidneys and may be life threatening both to the fetus and mother. 

During pregnancy, all women should have their blood pressure checked and urine examined. In the second trimester of pregnancy, blood pressure tend to be lower. Any pregnant women with high blood pressure or protein in urine must consult a doctor immediately to prevent avoidable complications. 

Female genital tract is close to urinary bladder and ureters. Malignancy of female genital tract can easily spread to involve urinary bladder and ureters causing obstruction to urine flow affecting one or both kidneys. Similarly prolapse of uterus can cause pulling of ureters and cause damage to kidneys by obstructing urine flow.

Lupus is a disease which affects young females much more than males. In fact 9 out of 10 persons suffering from lupus are females. This is a disease in which our own body produce proteins  which damage our own tissues. These proteins are called antibodies (because they act against our own body). This is characterized by hair loss, joint pains and skin rash. But lupus is most dangerous if it affects kidneys. There is leakage of protein in urine, increase in blood pressure and often leads to kidney failure. It may be devastating for females. Pregnancy can increase lupus manifestations.

Females with chronic kidney disease (CKD) tend to have high blood pressure, swelling of body, appetite loss, nausea , vomiting, itching, bony pains, menstrual irregularity etc. Pregnancy is rare in females with CKD. 

Obesity is common among urban females due to life style changes. Junk food, high calorie drinks, modern gadgets, dependane on mobiles and television associated with lack of exercise cause obesity. This increases risk of diabetes. Both obesity and diabetes are associated with chronic kidney disease. 

In this International womens day, besides the social aspects attention must be paid to womens health. Women and child health go hand in hand. Healthy mother means healthy child. Women need good nutrition, adequate rest, easily available ante-natal care and well equipped health centers with well trained staffs and round the clock emergency facilities. Timely interventions and health education can prevent kidney diseases.

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