Monday, April 5, 2010

Why discourage unrelated kidney transplantation ?

It is inhuman and cruel to sell God gifted organ

Disadvantages of unrelated kidney transplantation

Less chance of matching
Who cares !
Least post op careChances of neglect in pre-op evaluation
Even tissue typing reports have been tampered
Definitely a deal
Money exchanges hands
Donor has a guilt complex
Middle man gets the money
Inhuman , cruel , selling of a God gifted organ
None of the organ sellers have benefited in long term , utilized money for alcohol or gambling
Unknown history , chances of disease transmission
Donor never expresses himself
A whole village in South India has people with single kidney !
Legal hassles Only rich person gains
The donor is always a poor man
Worse than prostitution
Rarely altruistic
Will hamper cadaver program

Advantage of Live related donor kidney transplantation

1.Better match
2.Could be even 100% match
3.Emotional bond4.Good post operative care
5.Detailed pre-op evaluation
6.Usually no dealings
7.Even if there is a deal , the property remains in the family
8.Donor has gratifying effect9.No middle man
10.Love and humanity
11.Long term care of donor
12.The donor is known , no chance of disease transmission
13.Donor enlightens others and acts as an ambassador for organ donation campaign

14.Equal social and economic status of donor and recipient
15.Godly gift